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Busy Summer

It is hard to believe that July has come and now gone! I thought the 4th was just last week! In all seriousness July was an incredible month for us here at Tuckaseegee Fly Shop. We were able to celebrate the birth of our nation with all of our friends and shops here in town and we also made it to ICAST and the International Fly Tackle Dealer show in Orlando Florida.

IFTD was important for us as well as you the customer. This is the show where anything new in the entire fishing industry is introduced. We were able to connect with product designers and industry executives of products we already provide as well as new lines we are bringing this Fall. We will be announcing those lines as they come available in the shop, but trust me you will love them. Likely you already do!

Meanwhile... the fishing has remained very consistant despite warm temps and little rain. The brown trout particularly have been active. The video below is of 14 year old Grant from South Georgia executing a great sling shot cast that landed a nice brown from Deep Creek. For the Great Smoky Mountains National Park keep Sulphurs, Yellow and Green Stimulators in good quantities. Our local fly tier James Conner has created a mayfly pattern that has been lights out since early Spring called Conner's Smoky Mountain Mayfly. Swing by the shop or call and we can get you setup with what you need for a great summer trip fly fishing in the Smokies.

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