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Resolute New Year


January 1, 2015! 2014 was an amazing year to say the least. 2014 introduced me to my daughter, Madeline, and was the year we opened Tuck Fly Shop! The changes that took place in my life in one year can certainly rattle many whom have had similar changes in lifes' circumstances. Couldn't be where we are without blessings from God and an incredible wife, Stacey. 2015 sure has alot to live up to!

My new years resolution is to be more aware of what is happening within fly fishing as a sport. I certainly challenge anyone to take this resolution up as well. Here is why; While we in Bryson City and Swain County are anxiously awaiting decisions from NC Wildlife concerning the proposed Delayed Harvest addition, others are seeing public trout streams disapear. I understand some areas that are losing "DH" status or Hatchery Support are indeed streams that do not necessarily need help from NC Wildlife, for they are cold and clean year-round. But why not designate them as "Wild" or "Catch and Release" streams. Lets not lose water! I admit I may sound nieve on this topic, and there may indeed be a good explanation why many streams across WNC are losing "Public Trout Stream" status.

The best thing I or "We" can do, is to be informed, aware, educated, ect.. on happenings of the powers that be, that impact fly fishing opportunities. We have a pretty amazing thing here in WNC, lets keep it! Investigate and get involved in your communities grassroots river or conservation groups. WATR or Watershed Association of the Tuckaseegee is a great example of grassroots efforts impacting water quality and habitat. Finally, stay informed on proposed legislation that matters or potentially matters to you on any topic. Its our Civic Duty.

Janury 13th at Tri-County Community College in Murphy, NC Wildlife will host a hearing concerning proposed changes to Public Mountain Trout Streams. We certainly want to have great attendance at this meeting in support of the DH opportunity here in Bryson City. We have great river access and fishing opportunities all along the proposed 2 miles of the Tuckaseegee. Many years ago cities and towns thrived on the life of rivers, lets make sure that the Tuckaseegee continues to play a major roll for the town of Bryson City.

Below is a link with more information. There is also an opportunity to leave comments on any proposed changes right there on the site, if you can't make it to Murphy.

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